

Business is tough! Competition is high and business conditions are getting rougher. You need to invest steadily in IT Technologies to remain in the race. Your IP network is under high solicitations.

H5 Network has developed a solution that provides to network administrators a business visibility via simple intuitive and complete views. We rely on a proven and standardized model which is easy...

Multicast IP services are growing and are to be used more and more for critical informations broadcasting such as multimedia contents, telemedecine, e-learning and any remote services.

IT usages are booming! IP network administration and reporting need to support communication and applications convergence. In order to support daily operations, you need to understand quickly and comprehensively what is happening with business applications in a short time.

H5-CLOUD provides a 360° view of the traffic running on your network. Linked to H5-BOX, which is deployed on your remote sites, this solution monitors users, servers, applications, and URL in any network topology.

The solutions can be deployed in VMware or Hyper V environments and hosted in private or public cloud. You can also benefit of their agility in case of an emergency and urgent deployment needs, especially on abroad sites. 


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